<!ENTITY clobber.desc2 "Xmarks on huomannut että nykyiset kirjanmerkkisi ovat huomattavasti pienemmät kuin mitä synkronoit viimeksi.">
<!ENTITY clobber.desc3 "Harvinainen mutta vakava vika Firefox-selaimessa voi joskus väliaikaisesti korvata kirjanmerkkilistasi pienellä listalla oletuskirjanmerkkejä. Mikäli näin tapahtuu, on tärkeää että Xmarks ei synkronoi kirjanmerkkejäsi kunnes tilanne on korjattu.">
<!ENTITY restore.norestoreprofile "Bookmark restore is not available in browsers using Sync Profiles. Please visit https://my.xmarks.com/ to restore to an earlier synchronization of your bookmarks.">
<!ENTITY restore.norestorenewuser "Xmarks automatically backs up your bookmarks every time you synchronize, making it easy to recover previous revisions. Once you start synchronizing with Xmarks, this tab's feature will be available.">
<!ENTITY restore.norestoreownuser "The restore feature is not available for own-server users. To use the restore feature, you must be synchronizing against the Xmarks server.">
<!ENTITY label.restore.view "Preview Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY label.restore.loading "Retrieving list from server...">
<!ENTITY label.profiles "Profiles">
<!ENTITY label.profilechoice "Profile:">
<!ENTITY label.sync.bookmarks "Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY label.sync.passwords "Passwords">
<!ENTITY label.sync.resetpin "Reset PIN">
<!ENTITY label.sync.deletepasswords "Delete Passwords From Server">
<!ENTITY label.sync.onlyff3 "* Firefox 3 or above only.">
<!ENTITY label.sync.morecomingsoon "Learn about what other data types will be available soon.">
<!ENTITY desc.restore "Use this feature to restore your bookmarks to an earlier version. Choose from any of the previous bookmark sets safely backed up in yourXmarks web account over the last six months.">
<!ENTITY desc.profile "Use sync profiles to keep sensitive bookmarks where they belong. Create and manage sync profiles at my.xmarks.com. Then choose a profile here to control what Xmarks syncs to and from this computer.">
<!ENTITY desc.sync "Xmarks can synchronize and backup both bookmarks and passwords.">
<!ENTITY desc.ownserver "Xmarks supports storing your data on your own server such as an FTP or WebDAV server.">
<!ENTITY label.ownserver.moreinfo "Learn More.">
<!ENTITY label.manageprofiles "Create and manage sync profiles">
<!ENTITY dialog.invalidpin.desc "Your current PIN appears to be invalid. Most likely, you've changed your PIN on a different computer and it needs to be updated here. You can choose to do one of the following:">
<!ENTITY dialog.invalidpin.newpin "Enter your PIN: ">
<!ENTITY dialog.invalidpin.disable "Disable Password Sync and keep your current passwords">
<!ENTITY dialog.resetpin.pinconfirm "Confirm new PIN">
<!ENTITY dialog.resetpin.desc2 "Your PIN can be any combination of letters, numbers and symbols.">
<!ENTITY dialog.resetpin.desc "Are you sure you want to reset your PIN? This will require us to delete all your passwords currently stored on our server. Passwords on this computer and on your other computers will not be effected.">
<!ENTITY desc.tagsuggest "When you add a bookmark, Xmarks can suggest appropriate tags for you based on tags that other users have created for the same bookmark.">
<!ENTITY ownserver.title "Setup Own Server">
<!ENTITY ownserver.desc "To use your own server with Xmarks, please provide two different URLs to use for your bookmark and password storage.">
<!ENTITY similarsite.popular "Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY similarsite.noreviews "No Reviews">
<!ENTITY similarsite.writereview "Write a Review">
<!ENTITY similarsite.relatedsite "Top 5 Similar Sites">
<!ENTITY similarsite.getsiteinfo "GET SITE INFO">
<!ENTITY similarsite.getsiteinfo.normalcase "Get Site Info">
<!ENTITY desc.discover "Bookmark-powered Web Discovery">
<!ENTITY desc.searchboost "Xmarks will help you discover top sites right on Google.">
<!ENTITY label.siteboost "Enable Site Info">
<!ENTITY desc.siteboost "Xmarks will show you site information and similar sites when you click on the Xmarks info icon in your location bar.">
<!ENTITY label.tagsandreviews "Enable Site Tags and Ratings">
<!ENTITY desc.tagsandreviews "When you bookmark a site, Xmarks will suggest tags for it and let you rate it.">
<!ENTITY label.serp.top3 "Top 3 Results">
<!ENTITY label.serp.all "All Results">
<!ENTITY label.newuser.title "">
<!ENTITY label.newuser.title2 "Almost Done!">
<!ENTITY label.newuser.msg "">
<!ENTITY label.newuser.msg2 "Click here to finishing installing Xmarks.">
<!ENTITY label.syncdisabled "Your bookmarks are not being backed up and synchronized. To enable automatic backup and sync, please run the setup wizard.">
<!ENTITY byos.title "Welcome to Xmarks, BYOS Edition">
<!ENTITY byos.accept "Go To Settings">
<!ENTITY byos.cancel "Close">
<!ENTITY byos.description "Xmarks BYOS Edition is designed for use with your own server. To start syncing, you will need to visit the Xmarks Settings dialog to configure communication with your own server.Would you like to do this now?">
<!ENTITY byos.xmarksrunning "Conflict: Xmarks and Xmarks BYOS Edition are both installed!">
<!ENTITY byos.xmarksrunning.desc "You have both Xmark Bookmark Synchronizer and Xmarks BYOS Edition running at the same time which can cause problems. Please uninstall one of them before continuing.">
<!ENTITY byos.xmarksrunning.desc2 "Xmarks Bookmark Synchronizer is the standard installation used by millions of people around the world. If you're unsure which of the two to pick, you should opt to keep this installed.">
<!ENTITY byos.xmarksrunning.desc3 "Xmarks BYOS is for use with your own server. Only pick to keep this installed if you are an advanced user who runs his own WebDav enabled server on the Internet.">